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2023 450 Supercross Survivor ARLINGTON RESULTS

Writer's picture: Chris RiesenbergChris Riesenberg

Supercross has always been the pinnacle of dirt bike racing for me. I get so much excitement out of watching the best in the world navigate technical race tracks, perfectly timing massive combinations, shredding bowl turns, and skimming the top of giant whoops. It's my favorite type of riding and I've always looked at it as the gnarliest version of dirt bike racing... and then I went to Baja. It wasn't overly difficult for me to ride it; especially compared to a Supercross track, but to survive and win one of those races you have to be clinically insane! Luckily for me, I was just cruising for the most part (except when I had to see how fast an XR650 would go on the beach!) and we only dabbled with a few super challenging trails. So while Eli Tomac and the boys are pretty gnarly, we should all tip our visors to Larry Roeseler. Anyways, I appreciate the patience while I was off having an epic adventure (which if I ever catch up I'd like to write an article about it) and if you would like to experience Baja Raw like I did hit me up. Welp, since it's after Midnight we should probably get into the results for Arlington's Triple Crown Survivor!

We had a handful more eliminations this week and are getting down there on players. I have added the total points to the bottom of the spreadsheet as that is the tie-breaker.

Ken Roczen - OFF THE BOARD!

Roczen has officially become the first player to kick himself straight off the SX Survivor board for the season. Every team left in the game has already used up their Roczen pick after he was the 2nd highest pick trend in Arlington.

Eli Tomac, Chase Sexton and Cooper Webb - TITLE CONTENDERS!

Clearly teams are expecting Eli Tomac to finish strong as over 25% of the teams remaining still haven't picked the reigning champion! Five teams still have Cooper Webb available. Chase Sexton is also available to five teams, and four teams have all three Tomac, Sexton, and Webb still on the board.


Just under 50% off the teams remaining hadn't used up Adam Cianciarulo who is now sitting on the sidelines.

Dylan Ferrandis - Sigh of relief?

With AC going out, Justin Cooper potentially done after Daytona, and Savatgy nursing an injury the number of picks starts to really slim. We had a couple teams deep-dive (straight toe their demise) for Dean Wilson in Arlington and get bit already. But with well over 50% of the active teams having Ferrandis available; a bit of relief may be in order. However, he was the rider who eliminated more teams than anyone last year.

Deano and Savatgy took out 6 teams in Arlington while no pick was found for Kness327. Of course, if that pick can be found, proven eligible, and submitted it'll be honored. In the meantime, can I ask again... PLEASE USE THE CORRECT ENTRY FORM! If it has a "250 pick" on it, it's not the right form. The link is in the results post for your respective game each time and it also is on the menu of the website and the link doesn't change so you can bookmark it. Chasing down picks this late in the game isn't exactly fun.

FOR THE REST OF THE SEASON, this will be the link to your 450 SX Survivor Entries! Bookmark it, screenshot it, save it, etc. It won't be a dynamic link each week anymore. HOWEVER, ENSURE YOU ARE SELECTING THE CORRECT ROUND FROM THE DROP DOWN!

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