Checkerz grabs a handful of throttle on his CRF450 and spits some red hot predictions on his way to the moon!
Throwing the triple crown into a super competitive 250 East field at only round 2 is like dumping a helicopter load of VP fuel onto a dumpster fire. Add in the fact that Tomac and Anderson have both proved exceptional at this format as we near the halfway point of the 450 title fight, and it’s safe to say things are about to get next level awesome in Texas.
“Levi Kitchen turns up the heat and is cooking in the top 3 for a race burning up the competition in a job well-done.”
Let's climb aboard the SS Air Wheelie Express with Captain Checkerz and see some predicitions.
450 Class
Justin Brayton snags a good start and leads laps at a race in Arlington likely quadding something and smashing the whoops in the process
Chase Sexton forgets where the track goes mid-race, still beats Roczen
Barcia hits the rev limiter so hard it cracks the big screen in Jerry’s World
Friese gets a top 10 in a race
Contact causes drama to heat up between Tomac and Anderson. Both finish on the podium
Mookie podiums again and wins one of the 3 races.
250 Class
A Pro Circuit Kawasaki wins the event
Jett Lawrence still gets interviewed first
Kyle Peters beats a bunch of way better paid factory guys finishing 6-8
Jordan Smith crashes
Levi Kitchen turns up the heat and is cooking in the top 3 for a race burning up the competition in a job well-done. Unfortunately, he overcooks a turn; cracking like an egg under pressure. Rejoining, he slams Nicolletti like a refrigerator, lighting a rivalry. A solid overall is the icing on the cake.
Let’s go #27